Friday, February 5, 2010

Why Do We Create Art?

While some people argue the biggest reason people create art is for money, I think you should change they are, to their and drop the are. They are wrong, because the main reason people create art is for self-expression.

There are other causes why people create art, and I can see that there is. Some reasons are that people want to create art for money and sell their art work. Another reason people might create is so they can communicate with others. Or maybe so they can record a time, place, person, or action. Some people might even just want to create a piece of art work so they can tell a story. So, as you can see there are many other reasons for art.

There are many reasons why people create art, but in my opinion the most important reason for art is self-expression. Art is something anyone can do to express any of his or her thoughts or emotions in an abstract way. You can somewhat tell what message they were trying to get across and their emotions by their lines, colors, and images. The artwork people make is unique and no one can replicate it or see it in the same way. When someone tries to recreate a composition it can never be the same because it won’t have the same thoughts put into it. Everyone sees artwork in a different way; they have their own perspective on things and see a different message.

Therefore, self-expression is the main reason people create art. So, the next look at art don’t just look at it with your eyes, look at it with your heart; try to understand what message the person is trying to give and appreciate the work and thoughts they put into it. And for artists out there, next time you are about to create a piece of artwork; don’t just draw with your hand, draw with your heart; draw what your feel and it will have a much greater value to it.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Why do people become vegetarian?

Being a vegetarian isn't a cut and dried brand, like everyone is exactly the same. Are all meat eaters the same? Some may not eat pork, others may not eat chicken. It's a matter of personal preference or conscience. It's no different for those who choose to give up meat for the vegetarian lifestyle. One reason people decide to become vegetarian is because they learn about how animals raised for food are treated and forced to live in overcrowded, inhumane conditions before the slaughtering process. For example, chickens are obligated to live in very small cages and are de-beaked. People who believe this is wrong and don't want to support these abhorrent practices choose a vegetarian lifestyle for ethical reasons. Other people become vegetarian because they don't like the taste or texture of meat. Some give up meat for health reasons such as the fact that meat is often injected with hormones or preservatives, or because meat is high in cholesterole. A smaller number of people become vegetarian because of the impact that eating meat has on the environment. For examples, farmers deforest land to create more grazing lands, or vegetarians may cite the amount of grain fed to produce animals for food. This grain could be used to feed thousands of people. Vegetarianism is also an element of religions like Hinduism and Buddhism. For those who hold to these beliefs, living a vegetarian lifestyle is a way of life that advocates nonviolence and is part of spiritual fulfillment. Other religions that promote vegetarianism are Seventh Day Adventists and Jains. Some people become vegetarian for a combination of these ideas. These are just a few main reasons why people become vegetarian.

Friday, October 30, 2009

What is Christianity?

Christianity is a wide religious that is spread all across the world, it is the most popular religion in the world. You may not know much about this religion, so I hope that this blog will be filled with useful information on Christianity. If there is anything more you want to know about this and other world religions check out this website.

The founder of Christianity is Jesus of Nazareth in 33 A.D. He was known as the messiah for the Jews and spread Christianity. He spread it throughout the middle east and now Christianity is the most popular religion in the world with over 2.1 billion followers. Europe, North America, and South America is where this religion is mostly practiced.

Holy book:
The holy book of Christianity is the Holy Bible made up of the Old and New Testaments. It is God's revelation to mankind. The Old Testament was written by the Prophets who prophesied the coming of the Messiah and other messages that God wanted for man to know. The New Testament is made of the words and teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.

The holidays are actually holy days when one is obliged to go the Church. Some are dedicated to Jesus, such as Christmas which is when we remember His Birth, and Easter Sunday which is the day He rose from the dead, Ascension Thursday when He ascended into Heaven 40 days after His Resurrection. Others are dedicated to His Holy Mother, such as the Immaculate Conception, and the her Assumption into Heaven.

There are many customs in the Christian religion. One of these customs are going to Holy Mass every Sunday. Another custom is not eating meat on Fridays to commemorate Jesus' sacrifice on Calvary on the first Good Friday, by giving up some worldly pleasures on that day. Most people prefer meat, which is why it is a sacrifice. One last custom for some Christians is praying the Holy Rosary. The rituals in the Christian faith is the seven sacraments which are Baptism, Holy Eucharist, Confession, Confirmation, Holy Matrimony, Holy Orders, and Extremunction. For more information on these sacraments click HERE.

Friday, October 16, 2009


Why do people bully others? I think that some people bully others because they are insecure about themselves. When people try to make others feel less of a person for them it make them feel better about themselves. They might not have a good life at home, at school, or somewhere else. So, when you get bullied don't always take it too personally because there isn't anything wrong with you, only the bully them self. Even better, confront them about what their doing and try to help them. Maybe even try to be a friend to them, that's maybe just what they need. So, when you are being bullied try to take some of these other things into consideration.

Thank you for reading my blog, leave comments with your opinion about it.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dealing With Conflict

Everyone has conflicts in their life. It can deal with you and a friend, a family member, or just anyone, and a lot of people don't know how to deal with it in the right way. I found a website that might help, it's for younger people, but it can help with anyone if they are having a conflict with someone. What I've learned from this website is that there are three main ways to deal with a conflict you are having with someone, one way is "the loud choice" which means that when someone does something the irritates you, you just yell and fight with them about it. The second way is "the soft choice" and that is where you just ignore whatever someone is doing that bothers you and just walk away. The third and last choice is "think and share", this is where you tell the person straight up what they are doing bugs you and maybe it's just a misunderstanding and you can get both point of views. In my opinion the think and share is the best choice.

Even though this website is for little kids, it can maybe help anyone, check it out!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Loud Neighbors!

As a part of team 3, I am excited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence.

In my neighborhood my neighbors that live right behind me are really loud and annoying, it doesn't even seem like they live in their house, they are just always in their backyard partying. Just a couple nights ago my mom had to call the cops on them because they were getting so out of hand. It was about 3a.m. and I thought that just their partying was bad but now they have a dog and they just left it outside with them and it would not stop barking. My mom wouldn't have minded if the dog just barked for a little bit and then they let it inside, but they just left it out there and my mom even told them to let it in. But they didn't so my mom called the cops and they then let it inside. I'm not quite sure what we should do about this problem but they won't stop and everyone in my house is losing sleep, and probably my other neighbors as well.

If anyone has any ideas that would help this conflict I'd like to know, Thank you.